Tcp redirector
Tcp redirector

tcp redirector

_clientSocket and len ( clientData ) > 0 : bytesWritten = self. recv ( 4096 ) except Exception, e : print e if data != None : if len ( data ) > 0 : clientData += data else : terminate = True for out in outputsReady : if out = self. recv ( 4096 ) except Exception, e : print e if data != None : if len ( data ) > 0 : targetHostData += data else : terminate = True elif inp = targetHostSocket : try : data = targetHostSocket. select ( inputs, outputs, , 1.0 ) except Exception, e : print e break for inp in inputsReady : if inp = self. append ( targetHostSocket ) try : inputsReady, outputsReady, errorsReady = select. _clientSocket ) if len ( targetHostData ) > 0 : outputs. setblocking ( 0 ) clientData = "" targetHostData = "" terminate = False while not terminate and not terminateAll : inputs = outputs = if len ( clientData ) > 0 : outputs. setblocking ( 0 ) targetHostSocket = socket. _targetPort = targetPort def run ( self ): print "Client Thread started" self. Thread ): def _init_ ( self, clientSocket, targetHost, targetPort ): threading. So, I recommend to test the program on a network this utility Hercules Setup UTILITY.Import socket import threading import select import sys terminateAll = False class ClientThread ( threading. # Open in the / system / etc / permissions file called # Create a file .xml in / system / etc / permissions Before use, you can check whether you are working on a device adapter USB COM TermUSB.Vnimanie my program! If you have a device with Android> = 3.1 and USB HOST and Adaptors USB COM are not necessary to include USB HARDWARE The program Veta versiya.Zamechaniya welcome.

tcp redirector

So it is possible to connect different business equipment (scanners, printers, etc.)


Redirector can also be used in robotics when android device is on a cart, and rulim removed from a PC or other androida.Dlya this just write TCP client to the server.


Plus the use of Android is that small, we immediately have WI_FI and can even organize the processing and data entry. There is so much the same "iron" type solutions Tibbo. There are programs redirectors for the PC, but they are mostly paid on both sides should be computers that are often uncomfortable.

tcp redirector

To work with the device via the Internet to the router perkinut port 3333 on Android device.Ī soft-analogue programs wonderful tool LINUX ser2net. We work with the device can be used for seti.Takzhe Android device as a WIFI hotspot and connect to it over WIFI. Run the program that operates the connected equipment on the PC and connect to the virtual COM port created by the program VSP. In the VSP program on the computer and specify the IP port (3333) android device.


HW Virtual Serial Port Single (can be found in the internet) that creates a virtual COM port to the system and redirects the data over the network to Android. It often happens that rewrite the program on the computer to the network is not possible (difficult, there is no "source", etc.) and to alter the controller on the network too often prosto.Vyhod be takoy.K Android via an adapter USB COM or directly (if the device has USB) connected devices.

tcp redirector

Where it may be used? Let's say you have a device (such as a microcontroller board ARDUINO, etc.) that has a USB or RS232 interface and works with kompyuterom.Vam need to get data from it or control it over a network or the Internet. Android must have USB HOST and version 3.1 or Compatible Adapter USB COM and devices on chips FT232RL (FTDI), CP2102 (Silicon Lab), PL2303 (PROLIFIC). The program is a redirector that takes the data from the network (TSP), and forwards them via the serial port connected to Android on various devices, the data from the COM port are sent to the network.

Tcp redirector